Set in the 1950's and 70's in Melbourne, The King follows the rise of one of Australia's best loved TV personalities, Graham Kennedy, played by Stephen Curry. Directed by Matthew Saville and produced by Fremantle Media, The King is a bittersweet tale of fame and isolation against the background of postwar Melbourne.
Shot in S16, The King oozes Saville's trademark visual style, emotional storytelling and intrinsically Australian flavour.
The film featured opening titles and branding by Chroma in addition to several VFX shots and other post production work.
Shot in S16, The King oozes Saville's trademark visual style, emotional storytelling and intrinsically Australian flavour.
The film featured opening titles and branding by Chroma in addition to several VFX shots and other post production work.
*UPDATE - Congratulations to Matt and the whole team for their recent win at the 2007 AFI Awards. The King brought home shiny things for: Best Direction, Best Lead Actor and Best TeleFeature.